A Sneak Peek into Grace Ormonde’s New Book

It's funny how life works. When I first started shooting weddings, I turned to Grace Ormonde's Wedding Style Magazine as a source of inspiration, something to aspire toward. I first learned of Grace from Mike Colon. Mike was such a positive impact in my business early on and I owe so much to his care and support…he's an amazing photographer, but an even better person.

Speaking of Mike, one afternoon three years ago, he was in a pinch and asked if JD could be a hand model for a shoot he was working on for Grace. He needed a guy to hold bouquets for a Wedding Style magazine spread and JD's hands were, well, great hands. Mike invited me along and I schlepped bags and did whatever I could do to help. It was an awesome experience to see how Mike worked and get a behind-the-scenes look of how things unfolded.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon standing in the Viceroy Hotel: I'm standing in the lobby getting a sneak peek of Grace's new book, and I turn the page to see….wait for it….JD! I shrieked with surprise! Hey, World, THAT'S MY HUSBAND!!!

Here are a few other pictures I snagged from Becker's blog…he was nice enough to pick me up so we could carpool…I love that guy! 🙂

Grace Ormonde and yours truly….

To be honest, I wouldn't have been able to meet Grace or get a peek into her new book without an invitation from my good friend Lawrence Chan of Tofurious…he and Grace have been very kind to me and I can't wait to see how they work together to take Wedding Style to a whole new level.