Aversion, Accolades, and Apologies

I think JD is conducting an experiment. And it goes a little something like this: He washes the dishes but will leave soiled utensils in the sink. It seems like our equal division of chores hasn't been so, well, equal. I beg him to wash the utensils because I HATE doing it. I don't know what it is, I just HATE touching dirty forks and knives. Blech. Not to be outsmarted, JD made it a point to tell me there are no clean spoons or forks remaining. Oh no he di'ent! I simply smiled and thanked him for washing the dishes for the umpteenth time in a row. With a mid-day craving for ice cream, I darted to the freezer for a little Ben&Jerry action. Uhh, no spoon. So, ladies and gentlemen, I did what any non-washing-utensil person would do: I ate my ice cream with a knife. Because, really, that's how I roll. And sans the few pokes on my tongue, I'm doing juuuuust fine.

I recently got a pedicure. And I Went Red again. Go me!

Since the launch of Jasmine-Star.com, I’ve received a mountain of emails. Like so many emails I get anxious just thinking about it. A few nights ago I couldn’t sleep. As if on cue, JD muttered from under his pillow (yes, he sleeps under, instead of on it), Stop thinking about your email… I can’t help it. I have an obsessive personality and I feel horribly when someone contacts me and I can’t personally respond. I’m sorry!

In the same vein, if you’ve sent me a message on Facebook…I’m sorry too! I’m so bad with Facebook you have no idea. I’m still trying to, like, get it. Is it just me or is Throwing a Chicken at someone just plain weird? I understand the social connecting aspect of it, but I still feel detached in a way. Which is why there are oodles of untouched messages. My bad!

In other news, Pro Photo Resource just published my most recent article regarding branding, so if you’d like to take a quick read, you can find it by clicking here.

Happy Friday!