Craziness, Travel, and Doing What I Love

I'm in New York City right now, trying to soak it up. You know, it. The chaos, rush, and exhilaration of palpable electricity. I think that's what my life has felt like these past few weeks. A mix of so many things, yet I'm trying to find ways to soak it up. Last night we walked into our hotel and somewhere in the madness of this city, a hum of hope rang in the darkness. Okay, maybe I didn't hear it, but I felt it. And for this, I'm thankful.

Here's a sneak peek of last Saturday's wedding…a complete edit will be up soon, but this moment (just after the ceremony, when the groom had a quiet moment with just his bride) made me feel the hum of hope can be seen, as much as it is felt.