Featured : Professional Photographer Magazine

When Jane Gaboury, Director of Publications for Professional Photographer Magazine, reached out via email, I was totally excited. She emailed and asked about writing an article and my mind was racing with the possibilities. I was planning to submit a proposal about the roles unicorns played in a wedding photographer's life and the importance of Nutella in a balanced diet, when she preemptively asked about JD.

Umm, like, what?!?

Jane wrote and explained she saw the blog post about JD's attention to detail and asked if he'd be willing to share his perspective on second shooting and tips for assistant photographers. What transpired was JD's first published article…and I couldn't be more proud of him! To read the article in its entirety, feel free to check out the September issue of Professional Photographer Magazine, but here's a sneak peek for now…

Happy Thursday!