Friday Randomness

We were at dinner with a wide array of food in front of us. Most of it was unfamiliar, but I dug in with confidence. Minutes later, the waiter dropped by with a full description of the Malaysian fare on the tips of our forks. And this is the chicken meatball, he said pointing to the plate I had taken a bite from.

You mean these noodles, I ask.
Yes, this is a famous meatball, he replies.
It's flat and looks just like noodles…
But it's not noodles, it's meatball.

He probably muttered crazy American under his breath, but I was too stunned pay attention.

And just like THAT, 20 years of vegetarianism is sullied due to a chicken meatball that looked like noodles. Don't ask me how, but it just did. Either that or I really am a crazy American who can't tell the difference.

Here are a few things on the web I found to help cheer me up in this week's installment of Friday Randomness…


There are the kind of cards I send…

I think they're making fun of us…

Be prepared for an overload of cuteness…

Happy Friday!