Kimberlee : Anytime

If you’ve met me in person, you know that I ask a lot of questions. Perhaps too many questions, if you ask JD. I just kinda ask without really thinking about the answer. It isn’t until the words float out of my mouth and dangle in the silent air that I realize, Oh, hey, that’s probably not the most kosher of things to query…

I usually follow up with a quick apology and blame my indiscretion on the weather, lack of sleep, or that childhood fall from the top bunk. Those beds are death traps, I tell ya!

One thing I never apologize for asking is why a photographer doesn’t have a picture of him or herself on their blog and website. I think a personal picture is the most valuable aspect of the site because it shows who you are. Humans are intuitive creatures who can decipher so much just by looking at someone. And, yes, your mother was right: A picture says a thousand words.

The lovely and talented Orange County portrait photographer, Kimberlee West asked me to photograph her. She needed headshots for her new website and blog (coming soon!), so we got together and had a blast. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things Kimberlee is going to do in the portrait world…she’s uber fabulous and one of the sweetest girls around!

Kimberlee calls these her I'm-going-be-a-photographer-SO-THERE shoes…

I definitely have a bent toward happy, la-la-la pictures, but I'm posting this one because Kimmie just looks so feroche!

Thank you, folks. My name is Jasmine Star and I'll be here all week…

I'm going to end this post on this little hot note…