Kisses and Disses : Circles and Oranges

Have you ever woken up and thought that even if three versions of yourself existed you'd STILL not get everything accomplished in a single day? Well, I never have. Nope. Never. I always wake up and feel fresh and revitalized and know that even if I had 22 hours in a day, I'd finish everything. Because I have it like that. Yes, siree…yup.

I figure that if I keep on with this positive (and delusional) thinking, I can convince myself it's the truth. As a way to start this week off right, here's another installment of Kisses and Disses…hollllla!

This week's DISSES go to:
*Chocolate. Between belated celebrations of my birthday and Easter, the devil in semi-sweet form tempted me. And I transgressed. One too many times!
*People who don't say Thank You. I don't know what it is, but it burns my core when people just don't show a little appreciation. I was raised to say thank you for everything…even after I got a spanking!
*Dark circles. They are generally bad. In the sky. In a cornfield. UNDER MY EYES. I obviously need more sleep, but until then a little makeup will help people not think I'm part of the raccoon species.

This week's KISSES go to:
*Easter. It's my favorite holiday and I simply adore the day. It makes me feel hopeful.
*Handmade Lovelies. My good friend–and fashionista extraordinaire–started creating some fabulous hair pieces and I can't get enough of them, most of which I plan to wear while I shoot weddings! From small flowers to flamboyant feathers, I'm smitten. You can find her online Etsy store HERE!
*My borrowed silk blouse. My best friend stayed the weekend with me and while I was rummaging through her suitcase to choose her outfit, I came across a divine teal blouse, in a fabulous cut of silk. I told her I'd steal it if I wasn't trying to be extra holy for Easter weekend. When I walked into my office this morning, I found the blouse with a post-it note attached. On loan until the next time we hang out! May-jah kisses to her!
*And a bonus kiss goes to a stranger…yes, I'm all about kissing strangers! 😉 Some fabulous soul sent me a box of oranges…for my birthday. I must say, it was THE BEST GIFT EVER!!!! Thoughtful, beautiful, and delicious. The note attached was unsigned, but simply too cute for words, and the oranges have become a nightly treat for Polo and I. So a big KISS to the Orange Sender for making my week extra sweet!

Happy Monday!

The secret admirer has been REVEALED!! Actually, admirers. Oooooh. The lovely Justin and Mary Marantz sent me the gift and it just made me fall more in love with who they are. Just when I thought they couldn't get any better, they go and rock my world. Hard.