So Cool it Hurts

So. I'm just getting home from the longest 48 hours of my life. Literally. I've had just a few hours of sleep and I'm guessing the dark circles under my eyes ain't lying…this girl needs sleep. In a may-jah way. The raccoon look does nothing for my freckles. The good news is that two competing groups of photographers from around the nation gathered in Hollywood to produce a short film for WPPI Conference 2009, and the winner of the competition will have a considerable donation made to the charity of their choice. So while there were a couple moments throughout the course of the day when I was all, Okay, Jasmine, you're just proving to the world how UNCOOL you are, I'm glad we rallied as a team and worked together to support a worthy cause. Plenty of video will surface on my blog in the weeks to come, but I'll end this post with a picture taken of me by the ever sweet, Ann Hamilton.

How? How has my ever-present force of sauveness and coolness remained hidden until now? I have no idea.