The U.S. Or Bust

My good friend, David Jay, tagged me in a photo late last week on my Facebook Profile. At first I didn’t know what it was. No, no. I knew what it was, I just didn’t know what to do.

The reality of touring the United States hasn’t settled in, much less the idea that I’ll be living in the tour bus with a group of crazy people for the next month. We all have separate beds (I call dibs on a bottom bunk!), but I have to admit I’m a little leery about waking up in all my crumpled glory and trying to say Good Morning without opening my mouth to talk.

Speaking of verbal communication, I’m more than a little nervous to speak to SO many photographers throughout the tour! If you’d like to wave signs, toot noisemakers, or do the weird Arsenio Hall arm-twisting thing (Hoo-Hoo-Hoo) as I begin my presentation, it’d be much appreciated. I thought about making shirts and passing them out before I gave my presentation. They’d read: Picture Me Naked. Talk about taking the pressure off!

Speaking of shirts, David Jay is looking for Showit Ambassadors for every city along the tour route. Not only are you credited with bonus cool points, you get a shirt to let everyone know you’re special. Kinda like the milk monitor. But cooler. To get more info, contact the tour manager, Crystal:

Lastly, I want to give a special birthday shout out to the lovely and amazingly talented, Jessica Claire! Last night a few of us joined her in celebrating her 20-somethingth birthday at the Melting Pot…to read more about it and see more pictures, you can do so on Becker’s Blog. Jessica was the magician behind the photo on the tour bus, so not only do I appreciate her friendship, I appreciate her ability to work her Photoshop magic on my grill! Happy Birthday, Jess, and I hope you're having the most fantastic day ever! 🙂

Here's the Birthday Girl with [b]…

And in case anyone is wondering…yes…yes, I know I need to work on my posture…