
We put him on a diet. This must sound strange, but when the vet revealed our dog gained eight pounds since his last visit, Polo was introduced to the canine equivalent of Jenny Craig. I, of course, blamed JD because he gave Polo treats for any reason (Oh, arrrre youuuu a good boyyyy? Here's a treat! You barked at the UPS delivery man? Here's a treat! Did you just blink? Here's a treat!)

Like I said, totally his fault.

Gaining so much weight isn't good for Polo's health, so we've cut his feeding portions and omitted treats, and he's now laying around like Richard Simmons after a dance routine.

The irony? After months of calculated exercise and diet, Polo has lost one–ONE!–pound. When JD got the news, he was convinced we should give Polo a treat for his effort.

Like I said, totally his fault.