Want 3 no nonsense, no fluff, super specific things to do on social media TODAY to get more engagement? I gotchu!
Seriously… If you have just 5 minutes to market your business on social media today, do one of THESE three things and watch your audience begin engaging right before your eyes!
But before we dive into all of the details, I need you to do one thing for me: I need you to commit to showing up consistently.
I promise you, this is the most crucial component of the process. Showing up consistently with valuable content is what will push your social media success over the top. Are you in?
(Good, I knew I liked you!)
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, below are 3 actions to take on social media TODAY.
Action 1: Choose a hashtag that your ideal client would search for/engage in and leave thoughtful comments on the 5 most recent posts. (Bonus points if your comment includes a question to prompt a conversation!) Set a reminder for tomorrow to check back to see if anyone “liked” your comment – if they did, send them a DM and start a conversation!
Action 2: Record a 15-60 second video for your Stories, sharing one thing you do behind the scenes for your business. Invite your followers to “Ask You Anything” about it using the Question Sticker and be sure to follow up with a response.
Action 3: Send a DM to 5 of your most engaged followers and ask them what they want to see more of on your account (Behind the scenes of your business? Videos of your dog? How to style your cloth napkins?). Be sure to respond and then tag them in any content you create based on their ideas!
Shout out to Your Daily Action within Social Curator for providing these detailed steps.
Now, choose ONE action to do today (search through a hashtag, record a story, or DM your followers), another to do tomorrow, and finish off the challenge 2 days from now with the 3rd action.
Then, here’s the kicker: do these actions–wait for it–CONSISTENTLY!
Remember what I told you in the beginning of this post?
>>Consistency is KEY to your social media success.<<
So get out there and start taking ACTION today!
If you need help staying consistent on social media, you need my 7 Day Content Planner. My 7 Day Content Planner will teach you the 7 caption categories I recommend posting every week, along with 7 customizable caption templates so you know EXACTLY what to say.
You’ll also learn how to choose visual topics, the type of social media content that best works for your business, as well as receive an interactive workbook to plan your next 7 days worth of content so you can finally get the likes, comments, and SALES your business deserves!
Click >>HERE<< to download the planner and start turning followers into customers.