Congratulations, hustler!
You’re building your brand and growing your social following.
BUUUUUT…I know you too well, my friend. You’re not stopping there.
You want MORE.
When it comes to gaining more EXPOSURE for your business, I’ve got three stair-stepping ways to broaden your horizons beyond the reach you’ve already obtained. *And you’ve done a mighty fine job in doing so, if I do say so myself.*
The good news is that although the platforms vary, the Principles of Pitching remain the same:
- Tailor your message to the person(s) you’re pitching to.
- Think about the audience on the other end of the platform and the value that you add for them.
- Customize your content so that specific audience feels as though you’ve created it specifically for them.
*Refer back to this checklist for each of the following steps!*
Get ready, Buttercup, because what I’m about to share with you will have people all up in your business like paparazzi…we’re about to make Lady Gaga proud!
1. Be A Guest Contributor
In order to pitch yourself to speak on someone else’s platform, you must first and foremost determine three topics you feel comfortable speaking about.
>>Identify three pillars that will remain your constant backbone to build brand experience, brand awareness, and brand messaging.<<
For example, if you’re a photographer, your three pillars could be: posing, planning for a perfect shoot, and finding the best light.
If you’re a life coach, your three pillars could be: mindset, emotional tools for success, and courage.
Adhering to your three topics will position you as an authority. So, go on, take a minute to choose your three pillars.
There are a variety of ways that you can contribute work as a guest, like writing a blog or Facebook post, taking over someone’s Instagram stories for a day, or making a YouTube video.
Now that you have your 3 pillars of content, everything you create will build your brand, as well as give exposure on other accounts/platforms.
The one key to remember:
>>Focus on the value that you add for the platform and audience.<<
Don’t think about the personal win that may result from being a guest contributor.
It’s about THEM, not you, boo boo. That’s how you win…and get invited back as a featured Contributor.

2. Guest-Star On A Podcast
Once you’ve gotten your feet wet as a guest contributor, start reaching out to podcasts that are in alignment with what you want to do.
>>Use past contributions as social credibility when pitching to a podcast.<<
*I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but get ready for some tough love…*
I genuinely believe that no matter how amazing your pitch and content may be, you’re going to have to reach out to 99 podcast hosts before you hear your first YES.
The hardest part about getting booked on a podcast is actually getting booked on a podcast.
Don’t get discouraged. Just tailor your message and start pitchin’!
- Make a list of podcasts where you can offer value to their listeners.
- Carefully listen to each podcast to understand the host's style + perspective.
- Personalize an email to the host (using their name!) stating the value you can bring to THEIR audience with a specific beneficial message for THEIR listeners.
- The more specific you make the email to the podcast, the better your chances will be to get an interview.
Fortunately, every cloud has a silver lining, and this one comes in the form of scalability. (And don’t forget to review the Principles of Pitching checklist to ensure the message is tailored for each pitch and the audience value is intact!)
>>After you’ve landed one podcast, you can pitch yourself to other podcast hosts by linking that episode to show your experience.<<
*Extra brownie points if you pitch examples of how you shared that podcast with your audience, which serves as a value-add for the host, showing that you’re willing to share their content!*
3. Land Speaking Engagements
Once you’ve positioned yourself as being a podcast guest, you now have an audio portfolio that you can use to help land speaking engagements. *AKA pure gold for pitching material!*
When it comes to pitching yourself to a speaking event, the temptation for many is wanting to speak to the masses.
Let’s be real, it’s probably not a good idea to set your sights on a huge entrepreneur event in Miami that has 2,000 guests as your first gig. *But hey, if that actually happens, I tip my hat to you!*
>>In reality, before you step on a stage to speak to thousands of people, you’re going to have to speak to a group of less than ten people.<<
But the more you speak to groups of ten, that number will grow over time.
When starting small…
- Make a list of local events that you think you’d be eligible to speak at (not only are you getting accustomed to speaking on stage, but you’re getting more involved in your community…win, win!).
- If possible, attend the event before you pitch yourself for it (this shows you care about the event and the attendees).
- Promote the event on your social media before pitching yourself (this introduces you to the event organizers in an online capacity so when you meet in real life, it's an easier intro).
- Introduce yourself to event organizer at the event and get a business card, so you can follow up via email.
- Personalize an email to the organizer (using their name!) stating the value you can bring to THEIR audience with a specific beneficial message for THEIR attendees.
There you have it friend, three stair-stepping ways to get more EXPOSURE for your business. I hope you’re able to take this information and run with it! *Heads up, paparazzi, there’s a new celeb in town!*
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, this staircase can be traveled back down if you so choose.
Real life example comin’ at ya:
Two weeks ago, I met with my chiropractor. During the appointment, I discovered his nurse sits on the board of the Newport Beach City Hall. She informed me that they hold entrepreneur events where 20-30 people get together at a local business for networking opportunities.
Without hesitation, I offered my services to speak at one of these events.
Why would I want to speak to such a small group when I regularly speak at events of hundreds, if not thousands? #humblebrag…so annoying, I know!
My reasoning is threefold:
- I want to remain connected to my community.
- I understand that a lot of these business owners have connections to much larger events where they are looking for professional speakers.
- I have the opportunity to bring a videographer along to record the presentation so I can share it on social media.
>>No matter how much publicity your business may receive, always remember to work hard, stay humble, and add value wherever you can.<<