I was homeschooled for most my life and though I still maintain semi-awkward tendencies homeschoolers are known for, I loved my experience. I mean, going to school in my pajamas every day? Sign me up! But what I didn't experience was that back-to-school surge of adreneline walking down the halls or sitting at a desk (I normally worked from bed…a quality I keep to this day).
I also missed out on back-to-school sales, so can you imagine my excitement when I was asked to be part of the 5 Day Deal?! The homeschooler in me jumped at the chance!
26 top photography professionals have come together to give you the tools to take your photography to the next level. You'll learn how to shoot, light, pose, and light your images like a pro, resulting in stunning photography. You'll get over $3,300 of resources for just $127, but it's only available for 5 days, so grab it while you can!
The sale starts this Thursday, September 10th and ends Tuesday, September 15th.

This is a photo of me in a community play produced by my homeschool group. I was the store keeper in our version of Little House on the Prarie. And, yes, I was an 8-year-old wearing a braoch. Was I the epitomy of cool, or what?!
I promise the 5 Day Deal is more interesting than my monologue about the cost of flour and the sunset colors along the prarie, so be sure to check it out!