Ask Me Anything

This is your chance to Ask Me Anything

…let’s chat about business, social media, and living a life you LOVE!

0:00 – Welcome + Intro
1:21 – When starting your business, what do you need to keep track of your taxes? The thought of taxes scares me to death.
2:51 – With video becoming dominate on Facebook as a wedding photographer, how do I generate video content that’s relevant to future brides while still showing my static images?
4:54 – How do I grow my following on Facebook? My personal page gets engagement but my business page doesn’t. I end up sharing from my business page to my personal but I feel like that can get annoying for my followers.
8:02 – How do you structure your live videos? You alway seemed so organized with your thoughts + what you say.
9:01 – Link for free Facebook Live How-To Guide:
10:15 – How do you feel about using an app to schedule posts? I use Instagram and Facebook, but seeing the same post on either seems to take away from the authenticity of one’s self. Should you post the same amount of times on both Facebook and Instagram?
12:56 – Should photographers post their priceless online or should an inquiry for priceless be the thing?
13:23 – Do you have any advice for creating inspirational captions and content?
14:27 – How do you prepare and think about the future in such a way, in a creative field such as photography?
15:32 – For a jewelry company, how do I engage a customer to buy and not just like? What should I feature?
17:32 – When wedding booking season is slow, how do you market on social media?
18:14 – How often do you suggest sharing from you business page to your personal page?
19:27 – Should you have a certain number of followers before doing a Facebook Live? Does it look bad to have only 3-5 people tuned in?
21:05 – Tips on building a site to attract brides and book my first wedding?
21:43 – Are you using a microphone other than the internal computer mic?
22:13 – What is the most important thing we should be doing to help people find us on the internet?
24:25 – Any recommendations on how to get unstuck business-wise? Just feeling very unmotivated a stuck. How can I revamp my business?
26:58 – How do you know when you are over-thinking a project?
28:40 – Wrap-up!