Several years ago, I received a letter from a struggling entrepreneur that read:
“As a new business owner, it’s been really hard for me to get noticed. I’m starting out at the very bottom and trying to break in to the market. Also, I live in a small town and there isn’t support for new business owners. How do you stay so positive when all you feel is alone?”
Since then, I’ve heard from dozens of people who have felt the very same way.
I’ve been there too, boo boo.
I could’ve written that exact letter ten years ago.
- I know what it feels like to be alone.
- I know the frustration of starting a business that no one cares about.
- I know all about feeling like an outsider.
>>But I quickly learned how to GROW my business by simply being the change I wanted to see.<<
I had the option to wallow in pity or take the high road, and I chose the path that led to success.
I saw a need and I met it.
First, I invited three other business owners out for lunch. We conversed about our similarities, shared helpful tips and resources, and made meaningful connections.
A while later, I recognized that other people in my community ached for the same networking opportunities that I did. So, I upped my game from holding small lunch meet-ups to hosting a free networking event in my neighborhood clubhouse.
*Complete with generic-brand sodas, of course!*
As I was setting up chairs with my husband for the event, I was worried that my idea would be a flop. I knew that there was a void that needed to be filled, but I wasn’t sure if I was capable of accomplishing it.
The fact that 200 people showed up and packed the room quickly squashed any doubts I had.
What sprouted from that event was a yearlong commitment of hosting events for people to connect with others, which is where I found my purpose.

Before you start wondering whether or not you’re up to the task, let me tell you:
>>I wasn’t qualified, I wasn’t eloquent, and I wasn’t ready.<<
But I did the dang thing anyway.
And you should, too.
Here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning:
- Plan a meetup at a local coffee shop
- Host a volunteer event with like-minded entrepreneurs
- Create a resource swapping event
- Host a wine-n-friend mixer (admittance is a bottle of wine and a friend in tow)
- Plan a playdate for entrepreneurs with kids
- Plan a playdate for entrepreneurs with pets
If you feel lonely, reach out. If you want to be positive, surround yourself with positivity.
Start small. Fill a void. Do whatever it takes.
Revolutions often being with one person willing to take a risk and daring to start something new. Let the revolution begin with YOU.
>>YOU need to be the change.<<