They often say, “It’s not personal, it’s business.”
Well, when you’re married to your business partner, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
My husband JD and I are normally rather private about our personal/work relationship, but we believe balancing a working relationship with a personal one is a complex and rewarding dynamic that deserves to be talked about and celebrated a little more often.
So, here’s the tea…

We are equal business partners, and we do everything together.
While I’m the outward-facing part of the business, JD prefers to be behind the scenes and is integral in all aspects of the business we’ve built together.
Since the moment I met him, I knew there was something so distinct about who he was as a person that I didn’t want to live without. *If you can believe it, we were high school sweethearts, so we’ve been through ALL THE THINGS together.*
So how do we do it? How do we remain partners in marriage and in business, and still remain steadfast friends and allies through it all?
Here are a couple of lessons I’ve learned:
- Don’t let anything fester. (Confront the feeling, the argument, the uncertainty… head on.)
- Never be involved in the same project in equal proportions. (For example, JD is in charge of all things related to travel. I show up, without questioning any aspect of why certain arrangements were made, because I trust his judgement and process.)
- Remember that you are not competitors, you are partners and allies and should be aligned in the goals for your business.
Long “love and business” story, short…
>>I may be the face you see and the voice you hear from our business most often, but it’s because of the work JD does behind the scenes that enables me to show up the way that I do for you.<<
In fact, any time I’ve been in a space where I feel very intimidated and unsure of where my place is, he is always the one to tell me that I’m qualified, offer something of value, and belong at the center of the ring.
The industry our business is in is often very male-dominated and surrounded by wealth. As a daughter of an immigrant, who grew up poor, and distinctly brown, these environments can often feel uncomfortable.
It can feel much more comfortable in the back of the room, but JD is always the first one to say, “You’re in the front. Hold your head up high. You belong at the table. Get in there.” *Tell me I married up like I don’t already know!*
So you see, it’s not just business, it IS personal.
What you do, how you show up, and who you partner with (in life and in business) is very personal. That’s what makes the journey challenging but oh so worth it.
I hope with all my heart that you have someone in your corner that shows up consistently and supports you. Whether it’s your spouse, partner, parent, sibling, best friend, or proven business ally…
But please take these words to heart: if you don’t, that’s ok. YOU are more than ok.
>>You, my friend, are worthy of being at the front of the room. So hold your head up high, because you belong at the table.<<
What are you waiting for? Get in there!

Whether you’re focused on building a business or ensuring your personal relationships flourish, you first need the right mindset to be successful, and I can help you with that! Get my free Mindset Makeover Workbook by clicking >>HERE<<.