Dear Jasmine, Happy Birthday…

Dear Jasmine, well, it's official. Today is your birthday. I remember celebrating your 18th birthday. With a $10 weekly allowance, I somehow managed to ditch school, sneak onto your campus with an Italian lunch, and surprise you with a plate of baked ziti. We hung out with your friends in an empty class room and just before I left, I slipped you a silver bracelet with your name engraved on it. I don't remember how I afforded that bracelet, but it made me proud to see you wear it.

Who would've thought baked ziti would've gotten me so far? All these years later, I'm just as excited to celebrate your birthday and though our lives have changed since our teenage years together, I still believe you'd be just as happy to sit with me over a plate of pasta and dream of the future. Thank you for staying by my side. Thank you for always wanting to be the best version of yourself. Most importantly, thank you for being you.

I hope to celebrate your 118th birthday with you…and a plate of baked ziti.

Happy Birthday, Jas.