Didn’t Want to Do It. Glad I Did.

Didn’t want to do it. Glad I did.

That’s my post-gym mantra. I started sharing it on IG stories last year… and then it caught on. Others started taking photos of their workouts, adding my mantra, and tagging me.

When JD saw these stories, he asked me if people knew.

Knew what, I asked. “I wonder if people know that it’s not just your gym mantra, but your work mantra too,” he responded.

Huh. I wasn’t even sure I knew that until he pointed it out.

And yet at the end of every day, I look back and repeat the same thing I do while leaving the gym each day: Didn’t want to do it. Glad I did.

Most parts about being an entrepreneur aren’t glamorous – just like most workouts aren’t anything exciting.

But when I choose the hard, boring, grueling, unglamorous work of taking small consistent steps towards my goals (whether at the gym or in my business) – that’s when I (slowly, steadily) see results.

And so, I’m glad to do the work.

More than anything, I’m glad you are too.

Even on the days when it doesn’t feel like it’s enough, let’s find solace in simply appreciating that we’re doing the work to move forward.

It’s in the process of doing what we DON’T want to do that we find:

  • what we needed.
  • what we wanted.
  • the results we didn’t get, but earned.

To not wanting to do it, but being glad we did, j*

P.S. If you’re looking for ways to get more done in your day, I’m certain you’ll learn a LOT from my podcast episode, Maximize Your Productivity by Multiplying Your Time