If you’re anything like the business owners I know, you’re probably wondering:
- How do you show your expertise?
- How do you show the value?
- How do you get followers excited to know more?
Well friend, I can tell you what DOESN’T work:
- Going on Instagram after months of inactivity to launch something
- Not building relationships on social media before you sell
- Only showing up on Facebook and Instagram Life when you have something to sell
>>You should not SELL to your followers… You must SHOW them.<<
And what do you show them? You, baby boo, YOU.
If you have a membership, a course, a product, a service, etc. your followers need to connect with YOU.
Because buttercup, what we sell is Google-able. *I, personally, graduated from the University of Google with flyyyying colors. My mom’s so proud!*
>>So why would someone pay you money for something they can Google?<<

Connection. Trust. You are their GUIDE.
And the only way you can prove to them that you are their guide is that you show up.
Show them your business, your team, the behind the scenes of your launch… Consistency, consistency, consistency, so that when it is time to sell, your audience already knows you are the perfect person to help them with their problem.
Warm up your audience by reminding them what you do. Give them personal insights, fun facts about your work and your expertise, and the reason you’re in business.
—>If you’re awkward on live video… Do it anyway. *I know from experience: Awkward wins on social*
—>If you want more comments… Go leave 10, thoughtful comments. *Not just emojis that make people wonder if this is a bot* Then people will come back to your account and leave thoughtful comments on yours.
—>If you need to build trust… Have conversations. *Have real, human interaction on the internet. Imagine that!*
>>This, boss, is the warm-up sequence I use for every single launch I do that has generated hundreds of thousands of sales for my business.<<
If you want to build a business, it’s all in the warm-up. Once you’ve nailed that down, you’re ready for the next 3 parts of my Promotional Launch Plan formula, which you can find in Issue #19 of Social Curator.
I’ll see you inside, friend!