The three of us sat in his car in front of the parking structure. The illuminated sign read: FULL. Great. Finding parking along State Street in Santa Barbara on a busy Saturday afternoon is as illusive as Wonka’s Golden Ticket, so I doubted we’d get to a restaurant fast enough to squelch the rumblings of my empty stomach. However, DJ inched his car forward and waited. For.a.few.seconds…bam! And, just like magic, the FULL sign disappeared, the gate swung up, and we found a parking spot in no time at all.
Of course. Of course something like that would happen for DJ! Everything happens like this for him. He’s quite possibly the most blessed man I’ve ever encountered and I like hanging out with him because I hope some of his coolness and favor rub off on me. Yes, I’m shiesty. But at least I can admit it! 🙂
Good things happen for David Jay, but one of the best things that’s recently graced his life is his new personal assistant, Crystal. No, really, this girl is nothing short of amazing and has been the biggest asset both personally and professionally for DJ. This past weekend—while my lovely husband was away on a Boys Only trip to Palm Springs—I spent quality time with her and I was totally blown away by her grace, kindness, and professionalism.
Together we helped DJ get his [totally amazing, breathtaking, fabulous, makes-me-jealous-in-a-good-way] house ready for his five-year college reunion. We made brownies, peeled apples for crisps, sliced strawberries, and arranged a myriad of sushi on black square plates. I had SO much fun and I was happy helping a friend prepare his home for guests!
Through it all, Crystal, remained behind the scenes and made sure everything flowed flawlessly…again, her amazingness abounds. I, on the other emaciated hand, walked around taking pictures, dipped my feet in the spa, and met new people. Whew, all in day’s work I tell ya. 😉
Crystal’s only been working with DJ and relatively short amount of time, but big things are in store for her. I’m sure she’ll be traveling with DJ soon, so be sure to take a minute and say hi. She just moved to Santa Babara from Ohio, so be sure to show her a little love and thank her for freeing DJ to focus on moving the industry forward.

Crystal, DJ, and me after a delicious breakfast in Montecito (…and in case anyone is wondering…yes, I was keeping my eyes peeled for Oprah!)