When I woke up this morning, discouragement greeted me. I have a big, audacious goal I’m working towards, but today it felt impossibly out of reach.
Have you ever experienced the same thing when it comes to building your business?
As I was complaining *I mean talking* to my husband about my doubts, he quickly held a mirror to my soul that put everything into perspective:
>>“Jasmine, I heard on your podcast today that you get to choose the emotion that you want to associate with what you are experiencing.”<<
- Number one, he listens to my podcast. *brownie points!*
- Number two, do not use my words against me! *okurrrrrrrr*
The truth is, friend, it may not have been what I wanted to hear, but it was exactly what I needed.
How exactly can we choose to feel a different emotion?
- Identify the situation, thing, or moment that you felt a certain way.
- Give a name to that emotion.
- Reframe the toxic narrative into a positive one.
Choose the emotion you want to feel. It’s as simple (and as difficult) as that.
Free your brain from the shackles of a negative, toxic thought, and create space and pathways in your brain to get creative about the things you need to do.
>>If the brain is holding onto toxic, negative thoughts, you won’t have the bandwidth to think of a solution.<<
- When the days get dark, don’t quit… change.
- If what you are doing now isn’t currently serving you, don’t quit… change.
- If the emotion you woke up with isn’t the one you want to linger, don’t quit… change.
If you are ready to reframe your situation into something positive, I created this Mindset Makeover Workbook just for you!
You can download it >>HERE<< and begin taking control of your thoughts and emotions today!