As a child when someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I simply copied what other kids said. I lived in a blue-collar neighborhood, so most responses related to what our parents did. Responses were varied from truck drivers to secretaries to gardeners. I lived in a neighborhood where aspirations were limited to what we saw, not to what we dreamed.
Years later I still struggle with dreaming. On the most daring mornings, I dream of simply making what I have into more. But where is the courage in more of the same? Where is the magic in safety?
When I started my business, I dreamed of working from home and being a photographer. That was my entire dream. While they are perfectly fine aspirations, I didn't have the audacity to dream of working with my husband in a home we own, traveling together, being one of the top photographers in the world, and consulting creative entrepreneurs. I couldn't dare to dream that big.

Who was I to dream with such incredulity? I now realized I asked the wrong question. What I should've asked was: Who am I NOT to audaciously dream?
No one will give me the permission to aspire for more than what is available to me, so I must grant it to myself. And you must do the same. Who are you NOT to dream so big it scares you? Who are you NOT to dare to pursue curiosity? Who are you NOT to say you are worth investing in?
It's okay to dream big. In fact, I hope you do. The world needs a gift only you can give.