Hi friend! I haven’t introduced myself recently in a blog post. My name is Jasmine Star. Yes, that is my name… My mom was a hippie, and she named all of her kids after flowers. True story.
I am a photographer and business strategist from Newport Beach, California. I live with my husband and business partner, JD, and our dog Polo.
People say I talk fast, people just listen slow, you know what I'm sayin'? I also laugh too loudly, so be warned if we ever have dinner together in a restaurant. Speaking of restaurants… I eat really fast. I inhale my food and honestly, I make it awkward.
I am also the founder of a social media membership site called Social Curator. We provide 30 customizable caption templates, 30 lifestyle photos, a monthly action plan, and gather a community of like-minded entrepreneurs for support and accountability.
>>But mostly, I'm just a girl from the hood, who was born to uneducated immigrant parents who said I could become anything I wanted… And then I did.<<
I taught myself how to art direct, photograph, and style. I taught myself how to write and create marketing strategies for small business owners. I taught myself how to grow a 7 figure business.
And now, I'm passing my parents' message on to you: Follow your heart, teach yourself, learn from your mistakes, ask for help, and become anything that you want.

So what do you get by us becoming online friends? Well, I post weekly blogs and videos full of business tips, and social media marketing advice, and more importantly, I chat about developing your mindset to match your ambition.
Now, imagine what it would look like to let go of your fears and your doubt and your insecurities, and then pursue your dreams without the worry of other people's opinion.
For making it this far in the post, I want to share a magical secret with you:
**That which you resist can become your greatest strength if you let it.**
Stop caring about what other people think, and start following your heart to find a purpose.
Leave an impact, and then you can pursue what you're passionate about in life.
Friend, I appreciate you being here, so leave a comment on the video below so I can say hello to you personally!