Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. In fact, sometimes your best executed plans turn into a laughing track for destiny's muses. Take, for example, our hopes for moving into our home. It's been getting renovated for two months, but when move-in day came around, it was no where near done. So we packed our new garage with our belongings and grabbed what we could.
JD grabbed practical items: socks, shampoo, jackets, bottled water, and iPhone chargers.
I grabbed necessary items: yoga mat, computer, nail polish, and a bathing suit.
(In case of the apocalypse, I'll have an awesome manicure and golden tan.)
For the past week and a half, we've been living from a hotel, and I've taken to working from bed because, well, because when life gives you lemons, you make martinis. Or something like that.
JD thought it'd be funny to shoot me working (like a true professional) from my pseudo office and while I shoo'd him away, I hope to one day look back at this moment and laugh. We're shooting weddings, running our business, and renovating a new home from a shoebox-sized hotel room. The goal is to stay positive and know that when the house is ready, our hearts will welcome the bright future.
Although I'll miss housekeeping.