I’m about to admit something a liiiiittle embarrassing…
For years, I was totally against affiliate marketing in my business.
I always respected influencers who made money posting links to their outfits, doing sponsored posts, and asking their audience to swipe up on their favorite brand of coffee, but I never felt like it was for me.
…That is, until I discovered the Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program. *No, that wasn’t an affiliate link. ;)*
For years, people have been asking me for links to the camera I shoot with, my favorite books, and even the adorable raincoat I bought for my dog, Polo. *Those WERE affiliate links!*
>>But until I found out about how to become an Amazon Affiliate, I didn’t know I could get a commission from sharing things I love WITHOUT being a full-time Influencer.<<
Whether you’re considering becoming an influencer or would just like to add another revenue for your business, affiliate marketing is a great way to share things you use every day AND make a little money, too.
Here’s how affiliate marketing works:
Affiliate marketing is simply when a company gives you a link to their product that is specific to you, so that they can track the sales that came in were attributed to you promoting the product. Then, the seller will give you a commission (a portion of the sale) as a thank you for sharing it.

Here’s how to get started with affiliate marketing:
- Make an Amazon Affiliate account. It’s free, simple, and only takes a few minutes to start getting paid!
- Set up your Amazon shop by adding your favorite products that you’d love to share with your audience.
- Start earning commission by sharing your custom links in your Instagram stories, blog posts, newsletters, and more!
If you’d like to view my Amazon Store to serve as inspiration when creating yours, you can check it out >>HERE!<<
I have *loved* sharing my favorite things with you and although the commission isn’t a large percentage (typically 1-3%), it would be a great revenue stream to add to your business if your community is
Are you going to get started with affiliate marketing? Let me know on Instagram @jasminestar or in the Social Curator Community!