Ello, mate!
Okay, that was lame. I blame the Aussies… >>Let me explain.<<
Recently I was interviewed by Fiona Killackey of Australia’s The Design Files about how we can use Instagram for business.
*How did she know this is my FAVORITE subject?!*
>>It was an honor to have this conversation and I hope you find it useful as you hustle your way to the top.<<
Keep reading to learn my top tips on how to promote your business on Instagram without the overwhelm!
1. What’s one thing you think small business owners would benefit from doing more of on IG in 2019?
My answer is so easy…and yet so hard: just be consistent. So often we get in our heads about posting the perfect picture and writing the perfect caption that we make it so unnecessarily hard, overwhelming, and “just-forget-it-I'm-over-this” that sometimes we just don't post at all. But the best thing you can do for your business is show up every day on Instagram and connect with followers in a place of service to them, not from a place of perfection for you.
2. There’s an idea that IG has lost its sparkle / magic, that it’s being set up to become the next FB where you’ll have to “pay to play” (be seen etc). What do you think of this?
I think this is very true. It's not a matter of IF, but WHEN. And while it's tempting to get down about it, I take the opposite stance: I want to maximize my time on the platform, build as much as I can, leverage it today because I learned from what happened (and is happening) on FB. Instead of looking at the glass half-empty, I look at a glass filled with opportunity and the chance to make the most of it.

3. So many small biz owners stress about what to post and how often etc. So they end up doing nothing for weeks on end. What advice would you give to someone stuck in the mindset that IG is just another thing on the to-do list?
To be honest, everything is another thing on the to-do list. We want to protect our time and while there's a temptation to look at our social media marketing efforts as chores, I invite people to view them as golden opportunities. Never before in human history have we been given huge megaphones on massive platforms like we do today, so when I hear people stress about how much work it takes, I think it's the same as complaining about a free ride to the airport because you actually had to open the car door and get in. No one is forcing you to use Instagram…so when business owners choose to do so, we should do it with a smile and hope for amazing things to transpire from our hard work.
4. How can small biz owners utilize IGTV to build their business & engagement on the IG platform?
I spent three days answering this question, but since I don't have that time, I'll share three tips instead:
1. Clearly outline the purpose of the video (this is called the “promise”, what they get as a result of watching)
2. Articulate a pressure point (How to Organize Your Work Day) and offer 3-4 tips (this is called the “solution”)
3. Have a clear Call To Action (this is where you invite them to DO something, like leave a comment/click to buy/sign up for a newsletter/etc.)
If you LOVE this interview, be sure to check out The Design Files for more tips and inspiration.
As they say in Australia… See ya!