How To Transition Facebook Page Followers To Your Facebook Group

This month’s Social Curator (Issue 19) revolves around Facebook groups and how we can use them for our businesses. The biggest thing to understand when comparing pages and groups is that Facebook pages build a brand, while Facebook groups build a community.

Ask yourself if you are trying to build a community. There’s no right or wrong answer, buttercup! But if the answer is yes, then here are the 4 most effective ways I’ve discovered work to transition people from my Facebook page to my group.

Create exclusive content.

When you create members-only content for those in the group, it will entice your Facebook page followers to join your group. For example, in the Social Curator Facebook group there are often private masterclasses and live workshops that I announce on my page as well. If someone really wants to attend the class, they may join Social Curator and be given access to the inside information!

Extend the conversation.

You can also transition your Facebook page followers to your group by connecting with the members of your group on a deeper level. Start helpful conversations on your page, then say, “If you want to go deeper or do more exercises, join me in my group.” Many people, if given the choice, will want to engage with you further and take you up on the offer.

Give more access to you.

Another way is to emphasis the community aspect of your group on your page. Tell your followers that the only way to further the conversation is within your group, and that you look forward to connecting with them there! This way, it is a welcoming invitation.

Connect members with each other.

When people comment or like things on a page, typically they are not really getting to know each other on a personal level. In your group, facilitate a continuous thread of conversation that allows members to connect with one another. Then, highlight that community on your page and they *just* might join, too.

Facebook pages and groups can both be used to engage in real conversations with your customers, but understanding how to create content for each one is extremely important. When you understand that Facebook pages build a brand, establish trust and credibility, and groups are for community, this process becomes a whole lot easier!

Would you like to see real examples of how I manage both? Compare my Facebook Page Jasmine Star with the Social Curator Facebook Group. See you inside, friend!