I work hard at being honest on the blog. But sometimes it gets difficult because, well, honesty is revealing. And who likes to be revealed? I mean, I'd love to jump out of a tiered birthday cake as much as anyone, but other than that, being revealed is awkward. Wait, what? You don't wanna jump out of a cake? WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU READING MY BLOG?!
So here's the big reveal: I didn't want to shoot a particular session last week. In fact, I almost dreaded it. Because I was nervous and overwhelmed. You see, Jessica Claire called and asked if I could snap a few photos of her newest family member, Acey. I just need one photo, Jas… And that, oh dear Internet, is how I couldn't say no.
I first met Jessica four years ago and she was–and is–one of the top wedding photographers. I was nervous meeting her and I was inordinately intimidated…and it stayed this way for a while. Throughout the years, we've both developed our businesses and I've finally found my voice. By watching her, and many others who inspire me. So one might imagine the dread I felt when she asked for a photoshoot…my hands were literally shaking when we started the session. Twentyfive minutes later, we were done. Jessica, probably seeing the nerves tango on my face, repeated the same thing she told me before–I just need one photo, Jas–and that was that.
Jessica, Jeff, and Acey, thanks for letting me document your lives…I hope you like a few of the photos and if one appears in your house one day, I'd be so happy I might just appear at your front door. In a tiered cake!

Here's Acey…completely fascinated with this crazy thing humans do called cuddling…

Jeffy, you're so sweet…

The sun was too harsh where we wanted to shoot, so we walked to a nearby greenbelt and just hung out for a bit…clearly, they think I'm hilarious…

Jeff suggested laying on their bellies, even though Jessica and I thought it was cliche. We ended up doing it anyway–even though it verged as a nod to Olan Mills–I think it's cute. So, there. Jeff, you were right. Further proof we need to listen to you more! 😉

Acey is infatuated with Jessica…

…Acey is also infatuated with Jessica's hair. No, really, Acey wants to constantly paw Jessica's hair in no uncertain terms…here are a few outtakes that I find particularly hilarious…


I know it's totally lame to admit, but I kinda want a photo like this of me and Polo…

Jessica, you're beautiful when you smile. And, really, you have a great hat head.

I'll end on this note…because Acey just stole my heart…

Happy Wednesday!