My 10 Best ideas for Business Growth

She sat across from me, dumbstruck. Her mouth slightly ajar in a state of shock, even days after the final results were in.

I can’t believe it, she said, I did everything, but it didn’t turn out the way I thought it would.

Allow me to set the stage…

Entrepreneur X had a great offer and scaled her business to multiple 6-figures since 2020, but saw a decline year over year since then.

She revamped her launch strategy and prepared for epic success, but the results were lower than her lowest projected estimates.

A few days after the launch, she sat across from me, dumbstruck.

She listed all! the! new! things! she implemented, and the updated! funnel! flow!, and the redesigned! sales! page!

And yet the results were lackluster.

Then I asked her one, simple question: “…but did you list-build before making the offer?”

(Translation: Did you get NEW people on your newsletter list so the OLD offer would be new to them?)

Because here’s the cold, hard truth: If you keep offering the same offer to the same people, sales will decrease over time.

Why? In order for sales to grow, you need new leads.

If you’re not getting new leads, your current lead list (newsletter, social media, warm ads) won’t likely convert if they’ve continuously seen the same offer (or, in the case of Entrepreneur X, the same offer for the last four years).

So let’s chat about how to actively get new leads…

I created free resource with **10 IDEAS FOR YOUR LEAD GENERATION** (yup, this is 10 freebie ideas to empower you to create resources that attract your dream customer!).

Simply click >here< to download it.

I’m sharing it because your offer should be seen by more people. It deserves to be.

Your offer needs to get in front of new people, so let’s make it happen.

Stay List Building,


P.S. Because every note is better with a photo, here’s what we dressed up as for Halloween last week…the three amigos say HOLA!