Do you ever wish you could charge luxury prices in your business but don’t know where to start?
*I get it, Buttercup… we all want to make the big bucks!*
>>Contrary to popular belief, charging luxury prices isn’t only reserved for those who’ve been in business twice as long as you and who are winning a bunch of awards.<<
In fact, you can start charging luxury prices TODAY… *Yes, YOU!*
Keep reading because I’m about to walk you through the 3 things you absolutely HAVE to do if you want to charge luxury prices in your business.
Tip #1: Be You
Hunnay, before I get into the tactical tips and specifics of charging luxury prices, I need us to be on the same page…
>>You do not need to be someone else, you do not have to be as “experienced” as your mentor, you do not need to be “more professional” or whatever story you’re telling yourself right now around why you can’t charge luxury prices.<<
You need to BE YOU. All of you – gloriously goofy, awkward, or whatever words you use to describe yourself.
Tip #2: Build a Brand
If you’ve been hanging out here for awhile, you’ve probably heard me say this but I’ll say it again and again: building a brand is the best way to grow your business.
When I started my business, I set out to become a photographer, but in the process I built a brand. I didn’t realize it at the time, but it’s what happened, and I truly believe it was a huge contributing factor to our success.
>>A brand is what someone says about you when you walk out of the room.<<
If you’d like some resources on how to build a brand no matter what business you are in, download my free Branding Bundle >>HERE!<<
Tip #3: Create an Experience
The more I paid attention to the experiences I created for clients, the more people spoke about my services.
*And people talking? That’s the holy grail of an entrepreneur’s life!*
When people are empowered to talk about the experiences you create (in person or online), they become evangelists for your product or service.
Here are a few ways you can create an experience:
- Send client gifts (I used to send a matchbox with my hand-written note!)
- Anticipate questions (answering before they ask)
- Create resources to help them (such as guides and checklists)
>>Let’s recap: in order to charge luxury prices, you need to be you, build a brand, and create an experience… That's IT.<<
You don’t need to be perfect, you don’t need to be in business for a certain amount of time, you don’t need to have a 100 5-star testimonials or anything else to ‘justify it.’
You can start charging luxury prices right NOW. If you need help overcoming this and other mental roadblocks you might face and take control over more aspects of your business, I’d love to send you my free Mindset Makeover Workbook. Download it >>HERE<< and start reframing those negative thoughts into something positive. I can’t wait for you to feel that freedom, friend!