Not Sure How to Collaborate on Social Media? Here’s some advice!

I’m about to take you on the first behind-the-scenes Social Media Strategy Session. Interior designer Lindye Galloway, her team member, Erin, and I talk about how she landed her first paid opportunity through social media.

Want to be a fly on the wall? Watch >>this video<<

Lindye started her interior design firm about three years ago straight up hustling out of
Starbucks. Not slinging almond milk lattes! She worked on her laptop eight hours a day at
Starbucks. Now, she has her own studio space and a team of six people.

(Reminder: Hard work pays off, people. KEEP MOVING FORWARD!)

Lindye was asked on social media to collaborate with another business to help grow their
following. It was her first collab opportunity and she went for it. It’s interesting to note that her
team got paid. (That’s not always the case.)

Being paid, for sure, is a WIN. A bigger win for Lindye's brand was the content she was able to
create on the back end. Things like promotional video, Instagram Stories, Facebook LIVES, blog,
and email marketing content.

Some people do collabs for free, because of the exposure. You never know whom you’re going
to meet by helping someone out. One gig usually leads to the next great opportunity!

If you’re in this situation, you have to ask yourself, “How else can we leverage this exposure to build our brand message?”

  • If you can negotiate payment to collaborate, here's a few ideas to gain traction:
    • hire a videographer to show up at the event to create social media content for your company.
    • hire a photographer. Even if it’s 30 minutes, your brand personality that’s captured is more valuable than the paycheck.
    • Create a 45-second to one minute video all about the owner’s lifestyle, mission, or message.
    • The photos and video become a promo piece for future collaborations. WIN WIN.


There are too many interior designers out there who do the same work as Lindye. Through
social media, she found a niche of people who are interested in her work. More importantly,
they’re keen to know the person behind the design.

After your first collaboration, you can renegotiate terms as you move forward. If you admire a
brand, think of ways you can help them first. Reach out and see what’s possible. If you never
ask, you’ll never know.

I can't wait to share more from this consulting session soon!

Shine On,