Picture this…
You sit down at your desk with a latte, laptop, and lots of inspiration. You’re ready to slay the day!
You check your email, respond to a few important questions, and then pick up your phone to post an Instagram story. You take a photo of your computer and coffee cup with “Monday Morning Hustle” written on it. Then you answer a few DM’s, scroll through your feed for a bit….
*Okay, back to work!*
You start working on a project you’ve been putting off for awhile–maybe it’s getting your finances together for your bookkeeper, planning your social media content for the month, or writing a blog post. Whatever it is, you start the project, but 10 minutes in you instinctively stop working, pick up your phone and answer a few texts.
You go back to what you were working on… *Wait, what was it that I was doing? Oh yea, that project…*
Does this sound familiar?
If it doesn’t, then you don’t need to listen to this podcast episode because you don’t need to hear my tips, Hustler!
But chances are, you’ve been in this position before, and you know you’re not being as productive or innovative as you can be. And the reason?
>>You’re not focusing on one thing at a time.<<
In this episode I’m going to give you 4 tips to avoid multitasking so you get more done in less time. If you’re ready to work distraction-free and put out your BEST work, click play >>HERE!<<
These tips are all about saving time, which is one of my favorite topics and top priorities as a business owner! Speaking of saving time… did you know I spend only one day per MONTH planning my social media posts? Yep… and friend, I want to teach you how to do the same.
In my upcoming free masterclass, I will show you my exact steps to create social posts so you:
- Know exactly what to post
- Have a clear social media plan
- Can create a post within minutes
Register for How to Plan, Organize, and Execute a MONTH of Social Media Posts in ONE DAY >>HERE<< and you’ll receive tons of other resources to help you create the social media plan of your dreams. I’ll see you there!