Your Audience is Talking: Here’s How to Listen with Kat Harris

My guest today is Kat Harris, a Brooklyn-based online educator, digital content creator, female empowerment advocate.

I love Kat because she describes her vision as: for women to know their beauty, identity and value.

Kat is Co-Founder of the online publication, The Refined Woman and host of The Refined Collective Podcast. She believes in the power of story, that done is better than perfect, quality triumphs quantity, and that the journey truly is the Destination.

In this conversation, you’ll hear us primarily discuss pivoting your career to make sure your passion and purpose are aligned… and you’ll hear Kat’s incredibly interesting story of her own career pivots as well.

>>My biggest takeaway from our interview is that your audience is ALWAYS talking… the key is for us  to listen, and shift our message based on their feedback.<<

To learn how to listen to your audience with strategy and intention, click play >>HERE!<<

In this episode, Kat also mentions her free resource, 6 Tips to Activate Your Dating Life. Click >>HERE<< to download it now! 

Did you enjoy this episode? Kat and I want to hear from you!  Tag us in your Instagram Stories @jasminestar and @therefinedwoman.

Kat Harris

Kat Harris is a Brooklyn-based online educator, digital content creator, female empowerment advocate. She loves God, a good Beyoncé dance party, + has an affinity for Ranch dressing (don't take it away from her!).

Her vision is for women to know their beauty, identity and value. She is Co-Founder of the online publication, The Refined Woman and host of The Refined Collective Podcast. She believes in the power of story, that done is better than perfect, quality triumphs quantity, and that the journey truly is the Destination.

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