Best of 2020: THIS Is Where Everyone Quits | Social Curator Coaching Session

When I first started my business, I did not have the kind of confidence I have today.

In fact, that’s one of the reasons I love coaching calls with Social Curator members, because I love hearing where everyone is at and encourage them in any way I can.

 There is nothing I believe in more than teaching what I’ve learned, tested and tried to other business owners hustling hard to make their dreams a reality. 

So if you’re telling yourself maybe this isn't for me after all… I am here to tell you this is for YOU. 

>>You are meant to do the thing that you love because why would you ever settle for anything else?<<

If this is resonating with you right now, you’re going to love hearing how I coach Leanne, Megan, Amanda & Mye through their challenges and encourage them to keep pushing through when everyone else gave up. 

Click >>HERE<< to press play the most downloaded coaching session of the Jasmine Star Show!

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Amanda Mouttaki


Amanda helps curious travelers have delicious adventures in Morocco and around the world! She operates MarocMama, a website that focuses on travel in and around Morocco as well as owns a culinary tourism company with her husband called Marrakech Food Tours. When not running these businesses, she is a wife and a mom to 3 boys (15, 13 and 18 months old). She's traveled to over 35 countries and calls Marrakech, Morocco home (for now!).

Megan Seibel


Megan is a plant based nutritionist and online health and fitness coach.  She empowers women to reach their full potential in life and business through nutrition and fitness by creating a wellness routine they love!  Megan teaches women how to eat ore veggies, burn more fat and have more fun!

Lynn Paollilo


As one of only a few hundred Certified Feline Master Groomers worldwide, Lynn does a lot more than just groom for the kitty population of central New Jersey. With more than 13 years of grooming experience, she's obsessed with improving the lives of both cats and their owners through creating a positive relationship through grooming. Based in Hamilton, NJ her cat only business, Cat Naps Cattery provides a quiet, calm (and bark-free) environment for cats of all ages and breeds. When not up to her eyeballs in cat hair, she travels and teaches cat grooming around the U.S. at trade show events, private workshops and seminars as a Certifier for the National Cat Groomers Institute.

Mye De Leon


Mye De Leon is a hand-lettering artist author and creative business coach. She leads a growing community of creatives and teaches them how to make a living from their art. As an artist, she specializes in traditional hand-drawn letters and worked with various clients globally including Pinterest, American Crafts, Apple Singapore, Workman Publishing and Penguin Random House. As an entrepreneur, she built a 6-figure business through hand-lettering and shares her knowledge and skills inside her book and online programs Mastering HandLettering, The Letterers Lounge and her coaching program, The Elite Creators.

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