Have you ever wondered how to use Instagram DMs to strategically grow your business?
*Or maybe you’ve tried it and thought, “This doesn’t work for MY business.”*
Either way, I have great news, Hustler: you CAN use Instagram DMs to turn followers into customers… and in today’s Social Curator coaching session, you’ll learn how!

In this episode, you’ll hear me coach business owners after they ask the following questions:
- “How do I use Instagram DMs to turn followers into customers?”
- “How do I attract the right clients and get them to trust me?”
- “How do I make the switch from being a hobby artist to a business artist in the way I deliver and create content for my audience?”
- “How do you let ideal clients know you can solve their problems when you can’t easily search for them?”
- “How can I better promote my business to convey that I throw business showers & also offer VA services more effectively?”
- “When you reassess your services, and consequently change them, what's the best way to ensure your following understands WHY you're doing what you're doing?”
That’s right, friend… We’re going DEEP in this session.
Click play >>HERE<< to listen in and get allllll my best business advice!

Andrea Palten
As a business coach and marketing trainer, Andrea understands the pressure of making your marketing work and growing your business. That's why she uses proven tactics and frameworks guaranteed for success. Andrea teaches entrepreneurs how to list build and run their Facebook ads.

Jessica Mattly
Jess Mattly is a Career Coach on a mission to show professionals how to rebrand and redeploy into new industries or roles. With a diverse professional background that includes human resources, training and case management, Jess now wants to teach the strategies and framework she has used to seamlessly transition and grow a career path for herself and others. Jess helps professionals clearly and confidently market transferrable skills and position themselves as a top candidate for the next job they want!

Jonetta Darrell
A Los Angeles native, Jonetta began her career as a school teacher spanning all ages starting at the High School level and ending as a director at a preschool. Born with a love for crafts and creating, Jonetta has been actively creating crafts and gifts for family and friends since 2015. In 2020, Jonetta’s creative heart soared as she pivoted, stepped out in belief and faith, and opened up her own online craft business as the Chief Creative Officer of Joyfully Crafted LA. What began as a love for creating for self has evolved into a love for creating for others. With a mission to spread joy and beauty one handmade craft at time, Jonetta, a Personalized Gift Creator, is focused on helping people give gifts that are personalized, purposeful and presented beautifully. When not creating, you can find Jonetta spending time with her husband and three children, writing, encouraging family and friends, dancing, and spreading Joy.

Kayla Haber-Goldstein
As an interior designer Kayla craves beauty, but so do you. We all do, humans are visual beings. But it is not that easy. So how do you take your beige city and turn it into a beautifully designed space without losing your mind? You don’t. Kayla does. Because the difference between your Pinterest board and your current living room is an interior designer: someone who has spent years honing their visual design skills so they can listen to what you want and translate it into a beautiful room for you. That someone happens to be Kayla, who helps people all over the world.

Kendra DeÀnna
Kendra DeÀnna is the Founder and CEO of Rise 2 Glow. Rise 2 Glow is an event planning service that throws business showers for small business owners that don't have a physical location to host an official grand opening. A business shower is something like a baby shower or housewarming party for your business, where other entrepreneurs, family, and friends give you products, resources, and services to help you further your business. Kendra also offers virtual assistant services. She truly believes that just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to raise a business as well!

Rachel Dyan Panasiuk
Rachel is a Squarespace website designer based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Having over a decade of administrative experience, she made the decision to make 2020 HER year, making the leap to pursue her dream of working for herself. She gave her notice at her 9-5 the week before the pandemic hit in March, and has been working from home full time since May 2020. Rachel has navigated her first year of entrepreneurship with the help of Social Curator, local peer mentorship groups, and a LOT of grace. Among the things she's learned from her mentors is the understanding that the entrepreneurial journey is simply self-development, and as entrepreneurs we get to CHOOSE what we want to offer the world…without comparison.