How Your Quarterly Goals Guarantee Success


What if I told you I could help you plan out your next three months in less than 30 minutes?

If you’re like, “Say whaaaaaaa, you must be trippin yo!” and you think I’m some sort of hustlin’ wizard…

Well…that’s exactly what I am going to do today. 

>>I want to give you the foundation you need to turn your dreams into reality by creating a plan to get you there!<<

I’m a firm believer that setting quarterly goals will guarantee your success, and recently on Instagram Live, I spilled the beans on how to make it happen.

In this Live Q&A, you’ll hear me answer questions on:

  • How to achieve big goals in 3 months
  • The best way to get over being seen as “too young” in your industry
  • What to post on social media if you sell two different products

and more!

In case you’re like me and want to get an inside look at how I set quarterly goals in a practical sense, download my Productivity Planner to learn organize my quarterly projects and break it up into months, weeks, and days! You can get it for free >>HERE.<<

If you enjoyed this episode of the Jasmine Star Show, subscribe to the podcast from wherever you’re listening from today! Rumor has it that the next episode is an interview that I had on NBC – but you didn’t hear that from me! 😉

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