Hustler, are you balancing multiple businesses and aren’t sure how to get everything done?
*If you’re nodding your head, you really ARE a Hustler!*
If so, I can completely relate to you.
>>In 2015-2016, I was running a wedding photography business, I was teaching other photographers how to run their businesses, and that was when I also started my subscription, Social Curator.<<
Because I was juggling so many businesses, I learned a lot of time management skills to ensure everything got done despite the chaos… and that is just one of the tips you’ll hear in today’s episode.
In this edition of Ask Me Anything, you’ll hear me answer questions on:
- How to juggle two businesses
- Who you should be following back on social media
- How to stay focused when you have a million things on your plate
- My best tips for leading a team
- And more!

Click play >>HERE<< to tune in to this replay of an Ask Me Anything I hosted on Facebook Live!
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