Have you ever wondered how to take better photos for Instagram? *I see you nodding your head, boo!*
You’ve written an engaging caption but now it’s time to focus on taking a gripping photo that makes someone stop scrolling through their feed.
You might be thinking: “I’m too afraid to start posting on Instagram because my life is far from Instagram-worthy.”
>>Let me tell ya Buttercup: there’s no secret or code to starting, and even the most successful people’s lives are anything BUT Instagrammable.<<
The most successful people are those who just took that first click. Even the best photographers are still figuring it out as they go!
I mean heck, I jumped into the photography business not even owning a camera! I could tell you ALLLLLLL the stories of people who tore me to shreds about what I was doing wrong. But I put a stake in the ground and claimed this is who I am. *I want to see you do the same.*
>>The minute you lead with who you are, you stick out.<<
And the minute you stick out and intrigue somebody on Social Media, there's a higher likelihood of them liking and engaging. You create authenticity and connection with them.

So what are you wanting your audience to take away from looking at your photo?
Better yet: What are you trying to convey to them about yourself and your business?
If you’re ready to find your confidence and take a boss picture that not only looks good to you but to your audience, grab your camera (or your iPhone 11… those pixels are the best thing to happen to Instagrammers everywhere since the dawn of IGTV!) and take a listen >>HERE<<.
In this episode, I’m flexing my photography muscles and giving you my top tips for taking Instagram photos:
- How to find great lighting
- Shooting using the Rule of Thirds
- Mastering cohesive coloring & style
- Where to have a lifestyle shoot
- The secret to conveying authenticity on IG
I know as a busy entrepreneur, sometimes taking your own lifestyle photos is easier said than done. With your busy schedule, you know the importance of posting on Social Media but boo boo, who has the TIME?! This is why I would like to invite you to download 5 FREE lifestyle stock photos >>HERE<< Go and grab yours now!