Did you ever wish all of the tips and tricks, best advice, and recommendations from your favorite Infleuncer or Industry Leader could be found in one place?
I know I’ve thought on more than one occasion that it would be so much easier to find what I was looking for in one place instead of scrolling through someone's feed trying to find THAT post…and your audience thinks that too!
Which was why I was *ecstatic* to hear about the introduction of Instagram Guides. Instagram Guides are curated groups of posts, products, or places that you can offer your audience.
With this feature, you have the ability to consolidate content around specific topics to act as a resource, making it easier for your account (and your content) to get discovered.
Instagram Guides are exactly that: a guide of a specific flow of content chosen by the creator. Guides are essentially a creative long-form blog post or e-commerce promo, but most of the work is already done for you!
Click play >>HERE<< to learn how to use Instagram Guides to get your content in front of your dream customer’s eyes, and learn how to plan out your first Instagram Guide in today’s jam-packed episode!
Download the corresponding workbook to this episode that will help you implement everything you’re learning, Your First Instagram Guide! You can download this workbook for free >>HERE.<<