Do you remember a few months ago when I hosted my free class, How to Beat the Algorithm?
That class was only offered Live, but I *did* want to give you a sneak peek into some of the amazing coaching I did during the Q+A portion of the class.
The business owners on the call had the BEST questions on topics like:
- Personal branding for a physical product
- Having your ideal client seeing your content
- Transitioning followers on Instagram into paying clients
- Handling the tricky adjustment from working in person to online

Sound like some questions you have too? Hear my answers by clicking play >>HERE!<<

If you love the Jasmine Star Show, I’d like to invite you to enter to win one of 3 Social Curator Annual Memberships by partaking in a CONTEST I’m having! To enter, simply leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot your kind words and click >>HERE.<< There, you can enter into the contest for FREE where I will be choosing 3 lucky winners to get an annual membership of Social Curator (a $499 value!)! Enrollment for Social Curator is currently closed so this is the ONLY way you can get in on the group coaching, accountability calls, caption templates, lifestyle photos, and a daily social media plan every month for a YEAR. So leave a review and enter the contest before submissions close Friday, May 14th. I wish you the best of luck, friend!