Do you wish you could ask me ANYTHING and get my raw, honest feedback?
Well friend, you absolutely can because every single week, I host an Ask Me Anything session on my Facebook Page.
*It’s one of my FAVORITE times of the week!*
To give you a glimpse of what you’re missing out on, this episode is a recording from one of those very Ask Me Anything sessions with business owners just like you.
In this Q+A, you’ll hear me answer questions about:
- PIVOTING Your Business…
- Having more than on IDEAL CLIENT…
- DELETING old posts…
>>Plus, at the end, I take you to CHURCH with an inspirational, kick-in-the-pants about remaining undaunted despite the challenges that pop up in your business.<<
So friend, if you need a little motivation to start your day, click play >>HERE!<< (I promise I won’t disappoint.)
And for more short, inspirational, kick-in-the-pants messages like this one, join my text community! Every week, I send marketing tips and motivational texts to start your day. To get them for FREE, click >>HERE<< to send me a text and I’ll talk to you soon!