Did you know your emotional intelligence is affecting your business?
Whether you like it or not, how you’re feeling about your business (or what you’re AVOIDING feeling about it) is one of the most important factors in your success.
And my guest today, Topsie Vandenbosch, is going to teach you how to crush those toxic thought patterns!
Topsie is a Leadership Mindset Coach for Entrepreneurs and Executives earning 6&7 figures who helps you crush negative thought patterns and behaviors using emotional intelligence + mindset strategies as the foundation.

In this conversation, Topsie is going to cover ALLLL things mindset and how it affects your business as the emotional intelligence QUEEN that she is.
One of the most profound things Topsie said during our interview was, “All the testimonials in the world won’t make you feel good if you don’t feel good about what you have produced.”
*Like… Can I get an Amen?!*
Friend, your thoughts affect your actions and your actions affect your aspirations and your aspirations affect how your business will perform… So it all starts with working on your negative thought patterns.
I can’t wait for Topsie to teach you how… so click play >>HERE!<<

If you are ready to make the mindset shifts you need to succeed in business, you need my FREE Mindset Makeover Workbook. It includes 5 crucial mindset shifts you need to make to succeed in business, a powerful exercise that changed everything for me, and a corresponding video to watch whenever you’re feeling lost. Download the Workbook >>HERE!<<

Topsie Vandenbosch
Topsie is a Leadership Mindset Coach for Entrepreneurs and Executives earning 6&7 figures and a retired licensed clinical therapist. She helps them crush negative thought patterns and behaviors using emotional intelligence + mindset strategies as the vehicles for transformation. She has coached over 300 diverse executives and business owners on how to crush negative thought patterns that limit their earning potential and belief in themselves.