Friend, what are your burning business questions? I know you’ve got ‘em!
- Are you trying to figure out how to price your services?
- Is your product just not hitting right?
- Do you have a retention plan for your current customers?
- Do you have a product that’s not performing as well as you’d hoped, and you aren’t sure if you should scrap it and start over – or tweak it to make it more irresistible?
In today's episode, I'm chatting with three members of Social Curator to talk through these very questions.
My guests Connor, Jasmine, and Tom came to the table with a desire to learn and implement, and my goal was to help stock their toolbox, think through what’s working (and what’s not), and give them some action steps to move forward.
We dive into all the practical, and all the tactical, and all the mindset up in this one – so, tune in to learn alongside of these amazing entrepreneurs.
Join me over on The Jasmine Star Show to get in on this goodness!
And of course, all my thanks goes to my amazing guests Connor, Jasmine, and Tom. Make sure to show them some love and check them out at:
Connor Watkins is a marketer on the weekdays, singer on the weekends and now working to discover how he can turn his talents into a helpful business in Lexington, South Carolina. After graduating from the University of South Carolina with a BA in Journalism and Mass Communications, Connor jumped into marketing in the nonprofit sector which led him to his place at his local chamber of commerce. Seven years of experience in branding, graphic design and social media has now given Connor the confidence to explore what it could be like to build his own business.
IG Handle: @connorbwatkins
Jasmine Shea is the author of over a dozen healthy cookbooks, the host of the Dinner Table Talk podcast, and the founder of Your Dinner Is Planned: a membership site (and App!) that offers the fastest and most affordable way for busy families to get healthy dinners on the table. Jasmine’s vision via Your Dinner Is Planned is to empower people to value their health in a new way, and she spreads this impact by providing resources to live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle with an approach that is simple and attainable. In addition to expanding her vision for Your Dinner Is Planned, Jasmine is also a coach for digital entrepreneurs with unique training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and mindset coaching specifically for entrepreneurs.
IG Handle: @jazzythings and @yourdinnerisplanned
Tom Earl helps people story tell on FB and other Social Media by providing strategic planning, executive coaching, Facebook/Instagram ads management, and social media management for entrepreneurs, startups and organizations across education, non-profit and private enterprise. His background is in leadership development, conflict mediation, team building, expression & creativity, and diversity & inclusion. Tom is the Founder of T.H.E. Celebration Academy and hosts a weekly podcast and video series called T.H.E. Celebration. He has been featured by Buzzfeed, Refinery29, Huffington Post, SoulPancake, TEDx and Now This.
IG Handle: @tomearlartist
I loved having you here boo. So if you want to continue on this journey with me (and of course it would mean so much!), I will catch you in episode three. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on all of the new stuff I’ve got coming your way! I am excited to get to know you better and I cannot wait for you to tune in.