Have you ever been asked a question that forced you to pause and truly think about the answer?
That happened to me recently during a Facebook Live where someone asked: “What do you wish you would have done sooner?”
*Talk about food for thought, am I right???*
I could have answered in a variety of ways.
- I could have said I wished I dropped out of law school sooner.
- I could have answered that I wished I had started my business sooner.
- I could have responded that I wished I had invested sooner.
Yes, I could have said all of those things, but I didn’t.
>>You will NEVER hear me say a single one of them, because I truly believe that everything that has brought me to this very moment, talking to you right here on the podcast, has all happened in the perfect timing.<<
Click play on today’s episode >>HERE!<< to learn why I don’t waste time or any on wishing things were different… and what I do instead.
By the way – have you heard?! I’m hosting a contest where you can win an exclusive group coaching session with me. To enter the contest, simply leave a review for the Jasmine Star Show on iTunes and enter >>HERE.<<
Then, 10 lucky winners will be invited to attend an approximately 2 hour group coaching session in which you can ask me ANY question you have in your business – anything from social media strategy, to a mindset shift, to what your next business move should be. Plus, you’ll get to be featured right here on the Jasmine Star Show!
Hurry, though, friend: submissions for the review contest close at midnight Pacific on October 31st, 2021. So leave your review, screenshot it, and click >>HERE<< to enter today.