Recently as I’ve been looking back on 2021, I’ve reflected on how it’s really been a year full of ups and downs, both business-wise and personally, and I haven’t always shared them all.
Of course, I *have* given a glimpse into my “real life”, such as finalizing Luna’s adoption, the passing of our beloved dog Polo, and moving into our new house.
These, quite frankly, were things I felt comfortable sharing because I would feel comfortable sharing with a stranger on an airplane — the passing of Polo, though extremely difficult, is something I’m open to having a conversation about.
And the happier things, like moving into our new house and finalizing Luna’s adoption… well, I couldn’t WAIT to share those!!
>>On the other hand, there are a few things I haven’t shared, either because I didn’t think they were necessary or relevant, or I didn’t know how.<<
But because I feel like the podcast is a more intimate, sacred space, I’m more open to talk about it here, document it for “Future Jasmine”, and share some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

So let’s dive in with 3 things I haven’t shared on social media this year by clicking play >>HERE!<<
This year has had many ups and downs but I’m grateful for ALL of it… the good, the bad, and the straight up ugly.
I can say one thing for certain, though: my year was made better because of YOU.
Thank you for listening, thank you for subscribing, sharing, and reviewing the Jasmine Star Show… Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here.