10 Ways to Improve Your Sales Pitch

It’s 2009, and JD and I are ready to purchase our first car together.

We’ve saved our money for months, we’ve researched for hours, we found a car for the right price point in the local newspaper, and it’s finally time for us to walk into the car dealership and make our move.

We were doing it… we were going to buy a car!

At least…. We THOUGHT we were going to buy a car.

After almost 3 and a half hours of haggling, we realized the salesman was never going to sell us the car we wanted.

We were lured in with a low price, then the dealership pulled a bait-and-switch by trying to sell us something else!

I was heartbroken, and my usually sweet, non-confrontational husband was angry. (And so was I!)

Ever since that dreaded day, JD and I vowed to never step foot in another car dealership again… and we haven’t!

Since then, we’ve purchased every vehicle we’ve owned online… Yes, it was THAT bad of an experience!

So why am I telling you about this?

Well, we’ve all heard about the stereotypical sleazy car salesman. And in my experience as a marketing strategist, business owners are terrified that someone might compare us to one.

Friend, there’s a fine line between professionally showcasing your product or service and selling in a way that makes people uncomfortable… and I want to give you 10 ways to improve your sales pitch so no one can ever accuse you of sounding like a sleazy car salesman!

Ready to dive in? Click play >>HERE!<<

If you’re loving this sales content, you’ll LOVE my upcoming free class, What I Learned Selling 7 Figures on Instagram! In this class, you’ll learn my 5-part social media sales strategy to help you get more eyes on your business and more money in your wallet. I’m so excited to share these tips with you, so save your seat >>HERE<< and I’ll see you then!

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