What would happen if Facebook, Instagram & all other Social Media platforms ceased to exist?
Boo is that not a WAKE UP CALL! Is your heart beating a little faster right now? *Mine sure is*
I know this question sounds counter to all the tips and tricks I provide you. I’m a huge advocate of social media and I still am, but here’s the thing…
>>You cannot be dependent on social platforms you don’t own.<<
You can’t always depend on Mark Zuckerberg, ya feel me? This is why I want to teach you how to grow your business without social media.
I am a massive believer in using my website to showcase my brand, to build a strong email list and use it as a division of my blog as well. THESE are platforms that belong entirely to my business.
Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn… these platforms are meant to drive traffic to my website but I never want to solely rely on them. That's why I am here to diversify your approach with the best advice that I can give!
So what are you going to do when Instagram is down for a day? *because friend, that actually happened in 2018*
What are your plans when Facebook isn’t popular anymore *ya’ll remember MySpace?*
>> Is your business able to stand up on its own without them? <<
Anyone else feeling like we’re in 1999 preparing for Y2K? If you’re ready to take control and build your business without social media click >>HERE<< to listen to my podcast episode about the importance of email list-building.
Buttercup if you want to learn even more tips on building your business in 2020, I’d love for you to join me for my 60 minute masterclass: How to Double Your Business without Losing your Time or Strategy. To save your seat for this free masterclass, head to Jasminestar.com/2020. I can’t wait to see you there!