Oftentimes as business owners, we’re afraid to try something new.
But isn’t that what entrepreneurship is all about? Trying new things, making mistakes, learning from them, then trying again?
I’d argue it is.
>>I truly believe that you need to try something new in order to determine what’s right for your business.<<

That being said, I know it can be difficult to determine exactly what new things to try to grow your business with… which is exactly where I come in.
In this episode, I’m going to give you 7 things you can try to grow your business in 2022!
Ready to get uncomfortable, kiss your comfort zone goodbye, embrace your vulnerability and try something new? Click play >>HERE!<<
*In this episode, I refer to a previous episode of the Jasmine Star Show in which we discuss how to pitch yourself for a podcast. You can listen to that episode >>HERE!<<*
Remember: if you’re not moving forward, you’re standing still… and in business, standing still is the WORST thing you can do for your bottom line. That’s just real talk!
If you’d like to try something new in your social media plan, be sure to register for my free class, How to Plan, Create, and Execute a MONTH of Social Media Posts in ONE Day. There, I’ll teach you how to batch your content and post in 5 minutes or less so you spend less time thinking and more time DOING. I know you’ll love this class (it’s actually the most popular one I’ve ever taught!) so save your seat >>HERE<< and learn how to cut your social media planning time in HALF!