What most people don’t know is that when you start a business, you have to make the conscious decision to become a marketer.
Because as much as you love what you do (whether it be painting, copywriting, cooking, photography, business coaching or anything else), the reality is that without marketing, you won’t ever get to do it! Not as a business, anyway.
That’s why you have to make the conscious decision to SELL your products or services… You need to market your brand in order to get customers, and that involves a lot of work.
Becoming a marketer involves…
- Posting on social media consistently
- Setting scary goals
- Writing blogs
- Creating ads
- Recording videos
- Building relationships with your followers
- Giving more than you get
- Sending newsletters
And most of all, it involves a LOT of rejection and failure.

This is why I always say “building a business isn’t for the faint of heart”… because it isn’t.
>>So if you’re not doing the work to market yourself, don’t start a business. Because it won’t be successful anyway… That’s just real talk!<<
But if you ARE willing to do this, you’re just not sure how, you’re talking to the right girl! Click play on today’s episode >>HERE.<<
And to go even deeper, I’ll be teaching business owners just like you How to Plan, Create, and Execute a MONTH of Social Media Posts in ONE Day very soon.. It’s going to be a jam-packed class dedicated to making you the best marketer you can be for your business. The class is absolutely free, and you can save your seat right now >>HERE!<<

So register now, because I KNOW that marketing your business can be uncomfortable, but without being uncomfortable, you’re not growing. I’ll see you there!