Have you ever wished you could create a community around what you do?
Whether you’re a product-based business owner, provide a service, fancy yourself an Influencer, run a non-profit, or do a myriad of other things, you deserve a community of people who rally around your business.
This community will lift you up, support you financially, and most importantly they’ll cheer you on in every iteration of your business.

In this episode, Daniel will walk you through the following steps to create a community on the block chain, or a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization):
- Brainstorm your mission
- Create a Metamask wallet (you can learn how to do this >>HERE<<)
- Head to Aragon.org to create your DAO
- Choose the name of your DAO
- Configure your voting settings
- Name your governance token
- Provide a list of wallets that initially would like to be apart of the DAO to distribute your governance tokens to
Plus, we recorded this conversation LIVE from Gary Vaynerchuk’s exclusive conference for VeeFriends holders, VeeCon. So you’ll also hear a sneak peek at the speaker lineup, what Daniel and I were excited to learn, and our biggest takeaways so far.
Ready to dig deeper? Click play >>HERE!<<

To start at the beginning of mine and Daniel’s Crypto Conversations, download our free NFT Checklist! It will walk you through what you’re learning in each episode of the series, as well as give you a place to take notes and keep track of buying your first NFT. Click >>HERE<< to download it now, and learn everything you need to know!